學校責任保險| School Liability Insurance| Liability| 教育機構

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School Liability


All aided schools are now required to establish an incorporated management committee (IMC) to manage their school.


The members of the IMC will now be liable for their management decision. But the liability for an educational institution itself does not stop there. A teacher can sue the school for wrongful dismissal; parents can sue the school failure to supervise...


Our tailor made policy is designed to protect not only the IMC members but also the teaching organization school board members, Governors, employees, student teachers and volunteers from claims arising out of any breach of duty, neglect, error, misstatement or omission committed in the course of their day to day activities. It also protects board members' individual assets from litigation and it will extend coverage to protect board members, students, teachers and employees from wrongful termination, discrimination and sexual harassment.


In the overwhelming rush of the daily school management, let Grand Trust Underwriter brings you the peace of mind of being protected.

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