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Internet Liability Insurance


Clients are more aware of the privacy of their personal data. They depend on you to keep their data “safe”.


But it is not easy, isn’t it?


For the internet related industry, whether you are a web site developers, APPs developers, Storage & Hosting service or a web page owner that collect a lot of personal data. Your risk increase each time your number of users increase. As your service became accessible by the internet, the risk you face no longer confines to your local country. Risk is now GLOBAL!


In this age where almost all data are stored in digital format. Malicious "Black Hat" hackers is making use of every opportunities to damage your site and to steal valuable data. Some do it for fun or gain respect from their circle. Worst yet, not every incident is cause by purposeful intend. Staff misplacing USB that contains client's information, confidential documents release unintentionally by email... all these are becoming more frequent. Even the best of risk management team are having trouble keeping up.


The consequences of data lost are dire: Newspaper are more than willing to blow things out of proportion. People will sue for their privacy being violated or identity stolen; copyright and intellectual property out in the open (or worst, fallen in the hands of competitors). Fines, law suits, ruin of company’s reputations are just a few of the damages a company will face.


Even insurance like Professional Indemnity Insurance, Crime Insurance or Extortion Insurance might have gaps that leaves you without coverage.


In this day and age, what you need is an insurance are SPECIFICALLY tailored to coverage your risk in the Cyber world.


Internet Liability Insurance is the key!


Our Internet Liability Insurance is a comprehensive risk management solution for companies that are at risk. Our basic coverage already includes:

Personal Data Liability: 

Provides Breach of personal information / data protection

Corporate Data Liability: 

Provides Breach of corporate information protection

Liability by Outsourcing: 

Provides Breach of data protection by an Outsourcer where the data user or policyholder is legally liable.


Data Security:

Protects your company against Damage resulting from any breach of duty that ends in:

  • Contamination by malicious code of third party data
  • Improper or wrongful Denial of assess by an authorized third party to data
  • The Theft of an access code from premises, computer system, or employees
  • The destruction mortification corruption damage or deletion of data stored on any computer system
  • Unauthorized Access, use or transmission of an malicious code against third party due to a breach of data security
  • The physical theft of hardware
  • Data disclosure due to a breach of data security


Defense cost:

Covering BOTH civil and criminal, including defense cost in respect of any regulatory investigation or criminal prosecution bought by a public authority.


The above mentioned are our basic coverage, we can tailor the insurance to cover your business. To learn more about Internet Liability Insurance, contact us today!


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